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MQL4 Script to Save MT4's Order History to CSV file


I created a MQL4 script that saves MT4's order history to a CSV file that can be easily handled by a programming language such as Python or a spreadsheet software such as Excel.

The output text file is in the following format.The first line is a header (comment), and the order history follows after the second line.

Each line is separated by commas and includes the open time, close time, number of lots, profit and loss, symbol name, and order type.

2020.10.26 03:54:05,2020.10.26 04:10:03,1.41,-4371,USDJPY-cd,Sell
2020.10.26 04:21:22,2020.10.26 05:01:09,1.41,11985,USDJPY-cd,Buy
2020.10.26 07:23:36,2020.10.26 08:59:58,1.42,-426,USDJPY-cd,Buy
2020.10.26 10:00:11,2020.10.26 10:19:02,1.42,-710,USDJPY-cd,Buy
2020.10.26 10:36:15,2020.10.26 10:56:00,1.4,3360,USDJPY-cd,Sell


The program I wrote in MQL4 is as follows. When you execute this as a script on MT4, a text file (CSV format) with a file name of OrderHistory.csv will be output.

The file is saved in the MQL4\files folder in the MT4's "Data Folder". You can open the "Data Folder" by clicking "File" -> "Open Data Folder" on the menu of MT4.

#property strict

// Order struct
struct ORDER
   ORDER():openTime(0.0), closeTime(0.0), lots(0.0), profit(0.0) // Initialize member variables
   datetime openTime;   // Open Time
   datetime closeTime;  // Close Time
   double lots;         // Number of Lots
   double profit;       // Profit and Loss
   string symbol;       // Symbol (Currency Pair) Name
   string buyOrSell;    // Order Type (Buy/Sell)

// Swap ORDER struct
void Swap(ORDER &a, ORDER &b)
   ORDER c = a;
   a = b;
   b = c;

// Sort the array of ORDER struct in ascending order of Open Time
// Bubble sort!
void Sort(ORDER &a[])
   for(int i=0 ; i < ArraySize(a) - 1 ; i++)
      for(int j = ArraySize(a) - 1 ; j > i ; j--)
          if(a[j].openTime < a[j - 1].openTime) // If you want to change the sorting conditions, change here
             Swap(a[j], a[j - 1]);
// Entry point for MT4 script
void OnStart()
   // Only output order history from this date and time
   const MqlDateTime dt = { 2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 };
   const datetime StartTime = StructToTime(dt);

   // Total number of orders
   const int n = OrdersHistoryTotal();
   // Declare an array of OREDE struct and allocate the elements
   ORDER orders[];   
   ArrayResize(orders, n);
   // Loop the number of orders
   for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
      // Select the i-th order in the order history
      OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY);
      // Retrieve data for executed orders only
      if (OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL)
         orders[i].openTime = OrderOpenTime();
         orders[i].closeTime = OrderCloseTime();
         orders[i].lots = OrderLots();
         orders[i].profit = OrderProfit();
         orders[i].symbol = OrderSymbol();    
         orders[i].buyOrSell = (OrderType() == OP_BUY) ? "Buy" : "Sell";
   // Sorting
   // Open the file
   int file = FileOpen("OrderHistory.csv", FILE_CSV | FILE_ANSI | FILE_WRITE, ',');
   // Output the header
   FileWrite(file, "OpenTime", "CloseTime", "Lots", "Profit", "Symbol", "Buy/Sell");
   // Loop the number of orders
   for (int i  = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
      // Only orders opened after the specified date and time are output to the file
      if (orders[i].openTime >= StartTime)
            file, orders[i].openTime, orders[i].closeTime, 
            orders[i].symbol, orders[i].buyOrSell);
   // Close the file
   // Notification of output completion

Please refer to the following article to learn how to handle the CSV file in Python.